When you're exploring the great outdoors, having a reliable shelter is crucial to your safety and comfort. While a tent is the most common option, sometimes unexpected situations can arise where you need to quickly set up an emergency shelter. In these instances, a tarp can be a lifesaver. In this post, we'll cover how to set up an emergency tarp shelter in the outdoors.

  1. Choose your location

The first step in setting up an emergency tarp shelter is to choose your location. Look for a spot that is level and free from any hazards like rocks, branches, or steep drop-offs. Additionally, try to find a spot that is protected from the wind and rain, such as near a tree or large rock.

  1. Gather your materials

To set up an emergency tarp shelter, you'll need a few key materials: a tarp, paracord or rope, and tent stakes (if available). Choose a tarp that is large enough to provide adequate shelter, but not so large that it becomes difficult to set up. Paracord or rope will be used to tie the tarp to trees or other anchor points, while tent stakes will help secure the tarp to the ground.

  1. Set up your anchor points

Once you've chosen your location and gathered your materials, it's time to set up your anchor points. Tie one end of the paracord or rope to a tree or other stable object, and the other end to your tarp. Repeat this step for all anchor points, ensuring that the tarp is taut and securely tied.

  1. Secure your tarp to the ground

To prevent the tarp from blowing away in the wind, you'll need to secure it to the ground. If you have tent stakes available, use them to anchor the corners of the tarp to the ground. If tent stakes aren't available, you can use rocks or other heavy objects to hold the corners down.

  1. Adjust the tarp as needed

After setting up your tarp shelter, take a step back and assess the setup. Are there any gaps that need to be covered? Is the shelter secure enough to withstand wind and rain? Adjust the tarp as needed to ensure that you have adequate protection from the elements.

There are many different type of shelters you can build, here are a few of our favourite:

Setting up an emergency tarp shelter in the outdoors can be a lifesaving skill. By choosing a safe location, gathering your materials, setting up anchor points, securing the tarp to the ground, and adjusting the tarp as needed, you can quickly and effectively protect yourself from the elements in an emergency situation. Practice setting up an emergency tarp shelter before your next outdoor adventure, so you're prepared in case of an emergency.